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The best bank account for company Ltd in the UK

Zdjęcie autora: Radoslaw SalakRadoslaw Salak

Zaktualizowano: 12 wrz 2022

People often ask me „Is the company in the England have to own a bank account. Therefore I decided to write article where I will try to answer for the following question.

The question is „Is the company in the England have to own a bank account and what is the best place to open a bank account.

At first the company don’t have to own a bank account also so-called the corporate one if you are self-employed – a Sole Trader.

The additional, personal account would be a great option here to make selection for corporate transactions and personal transactions.

The management of accounting is easy then. The current computer accounting programms has import function for transactions directly from the bank account.

However if you have a LTD contribution and you want have an account you have to create a corporate account in bank (it can’t be a private account) The banks have occasion here to earn and unfortunately the accounts are not free.

It is worth to find the best place where you can create account. There are alot of promotions 12 or 24 months for free.

We should ask ourselves if we want the cheapest account or maybe the one which has some special facilities for business. An example can be a cheap credit line ect.

I had prepared the below summary of 8 bank institutions in the UK so I think the choice of the bank account for LTD company will be easier.

Top 8 bank accounts in the UK


No charges for an account management. No limits, an account for: the contributions limited, partnership, sole trader and charities.

The interest rate of account is 0%. On the website bank offer the time of few minutes to open your account. They offer implemented fast registration online. The disadvantage is the chargé for transferring 20p (price levels are generally higher in other banks).

The payout is 1 pound. If you meet with obstacles in creating offline bank account that is a great solution for you.

The Tide isn’t a standard bank hence I recommend the accurate verification of what exactly that company does and what makes this bank account different from the usual bank account

konto bankowe dla spółki LTD w UK


No charges for account management by the first 12 months, the account for contributions and Sole Traders.

It is worth to mention that the bank has offer for so-called Star-up and for bigger-sized firms.

Certainly the account for small-sized companies is burdened by smaller costs. After the promotion period the cost of bank account management is 7.5 pound per one moth.

konto bankowe dla spółki LTD w Anglii


The bank offer various kinds of bank accounts. Here I will focus on offers for businesses and at the beginning you can get an account for 12 month for free.

Naturally the Company in the UK is associated with some costs therefore it is worth to consider the appropriate account to minimalize the unnecessary costs. You have two plans to choose as it is showed on the photo below.

The bank has also so-called Loyalty Reward what means that if you are the user in bank some long time you will profit more thanks to the cutting the monthly costs in dependence from trading.

darmowe konto biznesowe dla firmy w Anglii


One of the biggest banks in the UK. As I mentioned above the bank has offers for different organizations and here I will also focus on the accounts for small-sized firms.

The biggest plus is the free account by 18 months and you have two tariffs to choose and I promise you will get the best tariffs.

You can also find many additions like supporting for your business. I recommend you to read information on the website of bank.

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Metro Bank

That is an amazing way for those who don’t want to pay for bank accounts.

The charge is 0 pounds but in case if you have more than 5000 pounds on the account, you pay 5 pounds. The only trick is in first 50 transactions. By one month they are all for free but after some time you will have to pay 0.3 pound.

Many people are looking for completely free corporate accounts so the offer of the mentioned bank is quite attractive for them and it is possible to reduce cost of company in the England.

There are small restrictions for those who have contributions and who live temporary in Poland.

darmowe konto biznesowe dla firmy w Anglii


The next bank which offers promotion for new clients. In the beginning you have 18 month without charges.

This is a great asset that the bank has a free access to accounting application online for Sole Traders. It is a very nice extra where cost of access is not cheap.

Naturally there are some others promotions and if you want to know more about it I recommend you to visit the website of this bank.

There is dependence between the time and they can be changed in any given time. You can be sure about support in any kind, It is visible that bank care about its competitiveness.

The bank account for LTD firm in the NatWest is a brilliant decision. The offer is very attractive.

firma w UK a konto bankowe


The bank has a free account so-called everyday banking services. I confirm that I got acquainted with the rates and many services are free or there are small prices or there are no charges, In the case of other accounts you have to pay in practice for everything.

If you will be a client by year you will get an extra valued for 25 pounds. It turns out that the bank has a nice offer.

However the bank is not for everyone. It is full of restrictions like a clear paper work for 6 years (no County Court Judgments (CCJs)), it is required to be a resident in the UK. For more information I invite you to the bank website.

firma w Anglii a konto bankowe dla spółki LTD


What I like the most about bank is the fastest registration. On the website there is a note describing that you need only give 4 minutes to get a bank account in the UK.

There is no verification of the bank history so it’s a big advantage cause in other banks this is the reason why people don’t want to sign because of bad credit history. In case of co-operative bank it was enough to have some delays in repayments and you get your new account banned.

Why I like that bank so much? Because there is possibility of having online account what is standard in the XXI age but it is still a new thing for some banks from so-called High Street.

The bank cooperate with Royal Mail so you can handle your bank business in the POST OFFICE. However the charge for account is 69 per year.

firma w Anglii a konto bankowe dla spółki LTD

Card One Money

Here is the next bank so-called online which offers the following time of registration: 3-4 hours. The filling of application will take not more than 10 minutes. The banks has different offers, it depends on conducted activity.

Here I will focus on the account for the LTD firm cause it has no sense to conduct a business account for Sole Trader. There is no of history credit verification and the chargé for having an account is 55 Pounds.

It is only for English residents. The chargé is 12.50 per month. On the payment scoreboard there I noticed many propositions and I am not sure if the offer of bank so attractive.

It is surely good for those who have problems with account foundation so-called bank from High Street

Card One Money - konto dla firm w UK

 The summarize

If you have a company in the England or anywhere in the world, the most important is to minimalize the unnecessary outcomes. The bank fees should be minimal and even at the zero level.

Therefore it is worth to check the costs cause the banks can chargé your credit card for payments or transactions to other accounts like also for balances higher or lower than give threshold.

You should check thoroughly what the costs will be and find out about amount of transactions, information about account balance or if you will be paying online or you will take pay outs from the cash machine ect.

The others prefer the convenience what means a foundation of the online account.

A lot of banks offer free year in promotion and the part of them don’t take any charges at all for accounts. It is otherwise. The payment is maded by bank for making a bank account for LTD firm.

In today’s world where you can use PayPal or credit card readers without mediation of your bank caused that the bank has no monopoly as then so it has to fight for client.

The above list is only a part of the most popular banks in the UK. There are many of them and it is worth to check their propositions cause a good promotion can happen. The other well-known banks in the UK are Lloyds, TBS, Yorkshire bank, RBS and several others less known banks.

If you are looking for bank account for LTD firm you should do a comparison in the beginning and choose the best option for you

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