International calls for pennies – check how to save on international calls
If you found this article, you would probably suffer from high fees for calls to your relatives and friends who have stayed in another country.
You may not have noticed the difference in tariffs until now, and saving on contact with relatives seemed to you a bit exaggerated idea. Anyway, the phone charges are unlikely to change, right?
Believe me or not, but the era of high charges has really come to an end. If you’re still using traditional solutions, be sure to try the methods outlined above, and you’ll certainly benefit a lot from it.
Until you try, you will still be resided in a pile of bills, the amounts of which will be higher than the conversations. Switch to modern solutions and stay in touch with those you love, no matter how many kilometers you have.
Cheap international calls is an option that put video calls, usually carried out on Skype, off the pedestal. To make cheap international calls, from now you only need a good pre-paid phone or subscription and a few simple tricks that I will present below.
High card charges? It’s time to stop it!
Telephone charges are the eternal problem of those who want to stay in touch with their loved ones, and have no choice but to make calls. The amounts that are necessary to pay can sometimes be shocking, but material issues can’t drown out feelings that we have about our loved ones.
From now on, however, you can combine both issues and enjoy the moments spent talking with people important to you. Just use the giffgaff* – it’s a company that supports people like you.

Transparent agreement terms and favorable prices (just 1p per minute to Poland) are just two key features of this company that will allow you to use your phone unlimited. All you need to do is to order a free SIM card, activate it and start cheap calls to Poland according to the new tariff.
With giffgaff* you are able to save up to 50% more funds, which you have so far spent on a horrendously high rate for periodic recharges. Thanks to the intuitive measures that this company used to create your offer, you will be able to do all cheap international calls without any worries, and at the end of the month breathe a sigh of relief.
Subscription from now is not your problem
If you are a subscription phone user and you think that cheap international calls are a matter that does not apply to you, here is a proof of how much you are wrong (international calls for subscriptions very often are expensive).
The subscription for basic fees is currently outdated – there are many ways to solve very unfavorable situation in which subscribers are in.
The first of these is Rebtel, an invention that has revolutionized international calls.
Forget about high charges for calls and better get used to the new, completely surprising prices that this company has prepared for you. Is an international call that is based on rates which is normally available to ordinary local telephones possible? Why not! You will get everything for free, without having to connect to the Internet or fill unnecessary formalities.
All you need to do is go to the Rebtel website, create an account and you will be able to use the inexhaustible ocean of possibilities right away.

All tariffs and charges that will be charged from your account will immediately appear on the list of transactions. It’s an extremely convenient and pleasant solution that will certainly improve the quality of your calls, and will also save you some of the money you can spend on much more useful things.
What I like about this company is that you don’t need to be connected to the Internet. You can assign a local English number to each number in a different country and use free minutes as part of the subscription. The above price list applies to prepayment.
You can also purchase monthly access for £ 5 for free calls for up to 57 countries per month. That’s why I have an account with them for many years. What’s more, by registering now and topping up with £ 1, you will get £ 5 top-up.
Therefore, take advantage of this promotion by CLICKING HERE.

Viber out as an alternative to the subscription
A very interesting item on the list of similar solutions is the viber out application. It works exactly the same way as Rebtel – you do not need an Internet connection, all you need is a few simple operations done at the very beginning to enjoy the source of cheap international calls.
As with the previous option, all calls are billed on a monthly invoice, and the rates are ridiculously low compared to what most mobile operators offer for monthly subscription charges.
Do not be misled by unrealistic promises, choose a solution that will certainly have a positive impact on your life and relationships with loved ones. Why Viber? Because it’s a popular instant messenger that almost everyone uses.
Are you wondering if cheap international calls are possible? Be sure to learn practical tips on how to find cheap calls to other countries

As you can see on the above screenshot, the prices are attractive.
Another alternative for cheap calls to Poland
Another and equally simple way for cheap calls is to buy a second mobile phone with a Polish number, ex. in Play. Currently, there are no roaming charges between Poland and Great Britain. It is an alternative. I also use it. But from the Polish numer when I am on holiday in Poland.
Another alternative is to buy a Polish landline number and make a call within VoIP. I am also using this service. It is worth looking at what company has the best offer. Recently I’ve changed the operator and I have a local number in halonet.
Why do I like halonet?
The Polish number costs me only PLN 1 per year. This is a great offer. Of course, I can make calls from my own mobile phone through the CSipSimple application. When I dial the number, the phone only asks what number to call from Polish or English. The fee per minute of a call is only 7 groszy for home numer and 18 groszy for cell phone number in Poland.
Earlier, I used a well-known company that handles VoIP phones and I paid monthly over PLN 3 for a number. So the offer of halonet is very attractive.
I want to have an even better app
Or maybe 4 numbers in one application. Thanks to the vyke application, you can have up to 4 numbers in your mobile phone. You don’t need to have a special phone. All you need is a suitable app. The disadvantage of this solution is price. The fee is £ 1 per month for 1 number. But more and more often, small businesses operate globally and this app is perfect

As you can see on the screenshot, the prices for calls to Poland are very attractive. You can have numbers from such countries as: Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Poland and the USA. The monthly fee is £0.99 and if you pay for it, it is £6.99.
The summary of the entry. Whether cheap calls to Poland are possible
Above I’ve described only a few options where you can find the answer to the question how to call Poland cheap. There are dozens of other possibilities, hundreds of different applications with minute packages. You can make calls to family for free you can talk thanks to applications like Viber, Skype or Messenger.
To feel the comfort of using the application, it is worth having a phone with as much data as possible. Therefore, if you start looking for a new operator, select so that you have a lot of GB. Recently I’ve exchanged and now I have 40 GB.
And do you know other ways to make cheap calls to Poland?